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Gepubliceerd op maandag 3 december 2012
RB 1551
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Brede interpretatie van evenementen die van aanzienlijk belang worden geacht

Draft opinion of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on the Implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, 2012/2132(INI).

The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs calls on the Committee on Culture and Education, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following suggestions in its motion for a resolution:

1. Considers that concentration of media ownership may undermine freedom of information, and in particular the right to receive information, and therefore requests the Commission to specify the ownership relations existing among the 7 500 broadcasters it has identified in the EU, with the aim of singling out the potential challenges relating to plurality in these media services;

2. Requests the Commission to continue to monitor and address any violations of the 12- minute rule, to examine the real amount of advertising and to consider, in particular, whether there is a need for reducing the limit in view of possible complaints by consumers;

(...) 5. Welcomes the approach taken by the Commission and the European Court of Justice in relation to the interpretation of Article 14 of the AVMS Directive; calls for a continued broad interpretation of the term ‘events which are regarded as being of major importance for society’, including sports and entertainment events that are of general interest, and encourages Member States to draw up lists of such events;

6. Highlights the fact that, in an increasingly digital environment, public media services play a crucial role in ensuring that citizens are able to access information online, and acknowledges in this regard that the provision of internet services by public media services contributes directly to their mission; (...)

8. Calls on the Commission to maintain, in the EU’s external trade agreements, the definitions of audiovisual media services of the Directive, thus ‘carving out’ those services.