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Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 februari 2011
RB 668
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Fiber as Backbone isn't to the fingers

Reclamerecht. Buitenland. Verenigde Staten. National Advertising Review Board (NARB), onderdeel van National Advertising Division. Misleidend en onjuiste communicatie. Niet (volledig) juiste beschrijving van telecommunicatie netwerk. Fiber-optic network als "backbone" is nog geen geen fiber-network tot "home". Het verschil in snelheid zit vaak in de laatste mijl.

Voor het adverteren over Fiber-Optic network moet Times Warner Cable de volgende uiting aanpassen of niet meer gebruiken.

TWC, in its advertiser’s statement, said the company “respectfully disagrees” with NARB’s decision and maintained the claims were fully substantiated. (red. link voor uitleg van het juridische begrip)

“Time Warner Cable believes that the panel’s decision denies Time Warner Cable the opportunity to truthfully and accurately describe its fiber-optic network in its advertising – a practice which it has engaged in for two decades without any signs of consumer confusion or harm. In addition, the panel's decision inhibits the ability of Time Warner Cable and other service providers to distinguish their services in areas where their competitors have indisputably inferior products,” the company said.”

Lees de uitspraak hier.

Meer opiniërende berichten:
TechDirt   ; Time Warner Cable Whining About How It's Not Allowed To Pretend It Offers Fiber To The Home Any More  
DSLreports   ; Time Warner Cable To Stop Pretending Cable Is Fiber; Why Deploy Fiber To The Home When You Can Pretend You Do?
Verizon v. Time Warner Cable @TechDirt (uit 2008)

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