Alle dossiers
Gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 juli 2009
RB 391
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Recente publicatie IvIR

'Free expression and respect for others'. T. McGonagle, in: Y. Lange (red.), Living together: a handbook on Council of Europe standards on media’s contribution to social cohesion, intercultural dialogue, understanding, tolerance and democratic participation, Straatsburg: Council of Europe Publishing 2009, p. 7-20.

"The right to freedom of expression has been referred to as a precious heritage as well as a dangerous instrument, and rightly so. It can be a great source of empowerment but, conversely, it is also open to abuse. In terms of relevant Council of Europe standards, the question is not so much whether there should be limits to the right to freedom of expression but how those limits should be determined or where they should be positioned. This is because the Council of Europe does not see freedom of expression as an absolute right or examine it in a vacuum. Instead, it situates the right in the broader context of a system of human rights, all of which are closely intertwined."

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Bron: IvIR