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Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) 2 februari 2011, Complaint ref. 140598 (Sanguine Hospitality Management Company Ltd t/a Cadbury House Hotel).
Reclamerecht. Buitenland. Verenigd Koninkrijk. Advertising Standards Authority. Misleidende mededeling en staving van bewijs (substantiation). Advertentie: een poster van Cadbury House Hotel bij Bristol Airport zeggnde "... just 10 minutes away". Klager betwist de geadverteerde reistijd van de locatie van de poster tot het hotel. Empirisch onderzoek door adverteerder ingebracht niet representatief. CAP Code (Edition 12): 3.1 3.7
Reactie adverteerder respectievelijk oordeel ASA...
Sanguine Hospitality Management Company Ltd (Sanguine) said they had made the journey 10 times and they submitted the recorded journey times. They claimed it took from 9 to 15 minutes to complete the journey; the time was approximately 11 minutes, and 10 minutes or less was achieved on half of the journeys. They said the journeys had taken place either late at night or early morning. They also claimed the journey was possible in five minutes by helicopter and pointed out a lot of their guests arrived in this way.
The ASA noted the figures submitted by the advertiser. We also noted the average journey time submitted was greater than 10 minutes and the journeys were all early morning or late at night. We understood the journey, at most times of the day, would take longer due to traffic. We noted the ad was displayed on the side of the road leaving the airport and considered that customers would infer that the claim related to journey time by road. Because we had not seen evidence that the average journey time by road, for the greater part of the day, would be ten minutes or less, we concluded that the ad was misleading.
The ad breached CAP Code rules 3.1 (Misleading advertising) and 3.7 (Substantiation).
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