Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 2 juli 2013
RB 1824
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Draft opinion over misleidende reclamepraktijken

Draft opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs on misleading advertisement practices, 2013/2122(INI).
Suggesties van de Commissie Juridische zaken aan de Commissie Interne markt en Consumentenbescherming betreffende de ontwerpresolutie misleidende reclame praktijken.

The Committee on Legal Affairs calls on the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following suggestions into its motion for a resolution:

1. Is deeply concerned about the negative impact of misleading marketing practices on economic growth, especially for SMEs, and on fair competition within the internal market;

5. Is strongly supportive of a closer cooperation procedure for cross-border cases of misleading advertising; accordingly, emphasises the need for specific provisions regarding mutual assistance between the relevant national authorities;

7. Encourages the Commission to further reflect on a proposal for an amendment to Directive 2006/114 EC to include a blacklist of practices that are to be considered misleading under all circumstances; believes that this would be preferable to extending the scope of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive to B2B practices, as vulnerability and need for protection differ in B2C and B2B relationships;

8. Calls upon the Commission to analyse the relationship between comparative advertising and certain intellectual property rights, in particular concerning comparisons between products with designation of origin and those without such designation.