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Audiovisuele media  

RB 1042

Onleesbare voorwaarden

Vz RCC 6 juli 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00466 (Wereld Natuur Fonds)

Reclamerecht. Televisiecommercial i.v.m. actie "de natuurverdubbelaar". Voorwaarden actie worden in kleiner lettertype getoond. Klager stelt dat deze voorwaarden niet te lezen zijn. Adverteerder erkent klacht en zal in toekomst niet meer op dergelijke wijze reclame maken.
Voorzitter oordeelt dat Commissie klacht zal toewijzen. Adverteerder heeft geen duidelijke informatie verstrekt over voorwaarden (art. 8.2 aanhef NRC) dus strijd met art. 7 NRC. Doet aanbeveling.

De voorzitter is van oordeel dat de Commissie de klacht zal toewijzen. Hij overweegt daartoe het volgende.

Niet in geschil is dat de voorwaarden die onder het tarief staan vermeld, onvoldoende lees­baar zijn. Aldus heeft adverteerder geen duidelijke informatie verschaft over de voornaamste voorwaarden van de actie, zoals bedoeld in artikel 8.2 aanhef van de Nederlandse Reclame Code (NRC). Voorts is de voorzitter van oordeel dat de gemiddelde consument hierdoor ertoe gebracht kan worden een besluit over een transactie te nemen, dat hij anders niet had ge­nomen, te weten het verzenden van een sms voor € 1,-- per bericht. Om die reden is de uiting misleidend en daardoor oneerlijk in de zin van artikel 7 NRC.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)

Regeling: NRC art. 7, art. 8.2 aanhef

RB 1041

Word zelf DJ

RCC 6 juli 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00483 (Discomuntjes)

Reclamerecht. Televisiecommercial over PLUS spaaractie van discomuntjes. Klager stelt dat uiting niet vermeld dat apart discospelertje nodig is om muntjes af te spelen. Ook zijn deze niet meer verkrijgbaar terwijl actie nog loopt. Acht uiting misleidend. Verweerder stelt dat discospeler duidelijk in uiting wordt getoond. In folder is OP=OP vermeld. Toen spelers op waren, is externe communicatie rond campagne gestaakt en publiek hierover geïnformeerd via website en winkels.

Commissie oordeelt dat uiting gedeeltelijk op kinderen is gericht en acht daarom de KJC van toepassing. In uiting wordt geen mededeling gedaan over kosten speler. Acht uiting daarom misleidend voor kinderen en dus in strijd met art. 1 KJC. Ook is voor andere personen onduidelijk dat de speler niet gratis is, daarom sprake van omissie (art. 8.3 aanhef en onder c NRC). Strijd met art. 7 NRC. In uiting ook geen voorbehoud v.w.b. voorraad spelers, genomen maatregelen door verweerder leiden niet tot ander oordeel. Doet aanbeveling.

Nu de televisiecommercial, onder andere blijkens de aanhef “Jongens en meisjes”, in ieder geval gedeeltelijk gericht is tot kinderen, is hierop de Kinder- en Jeugdreclamecode (KJC) van toepassing. Reclame die geheel of gedeeltelijk tot kinderen is gericht, mag volgens artikel 1 KJC niets in woord, geluid of beeld bevatten waardoor kinderen op enigerlei wijze worden misleid over de mogelijkheid en eigenschappen van het aangeboden product. Daarbij dient, blijkens de toelichting bij genoemd artikel, rekening te worden gehouden met hun bevattingsvermogen en verwachtingspatroon. Naar het oordeel van de Commissie wordt door de mededeling dat je de met name genoemde artiesten “gratis op deze disco’s” krijgt en deze kunt afspelen op de discospeler, de indruk gewekt dat ook de discospe­ler gratis is. Uit de televisiecommercial blijkt verder niet dat de discospeler die nodig is voor het afspelen van de disco’s € 1,-- kost. Kinderen hoeven niet op dit laatste bedacht te zijn, nu daaromtrent in de commercial geen mededeling wordt gedaan. De Commissie acht de commercial daarom misleidend voor kinderen en om die reden in strijd met artikel 1 KJC.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)
Regeling: KJC art. 1; NRC art. 7, art. 8.3 aanhef en onder c

RB 1039

UK ASA Adjudications 6 en 13 juli

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot-Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën variëren van holistische zorg, prijsvraag bij bier, evenementenwervingbureau, vrouwencentrum, shampoo, fotocamera, Groupon, verhuizersgilde, autobedrijf, telefoonabonnement, slotenmaker, bedrijf wat advertentieruimte aanbiedt, keukenproducten, download service voor spelletjes op mobiel, brandstofbesparend product, supermarkt, dieetprogramma, vliegmaatschappij, anti-rimpel crème, marketing website, Virgin Media, website voor domeinnamen, oplossing tegen stotteren, garage, vergelijking van financiële producten, biologische boerderij.

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Organic Trade Board
A magazine ad for organic farming that featured a man and his son dressed in a pantomime cow costume was headlined "We love organic because we care about animals". Text beneath quoted the man featured in the ad and said "I like to see myself as the brains of this outfit, even if my son doesn't agree! But when he told me about organic, well, I never looked back. Organic means fewer drugs or antibiotics, it also means better conditions for animals so they get to thrive and grow more naturally....

Moneysupermarket.com Ltd
Website and email for a financial products comparison service: a. The website included the text "“EXCLUSIVE CREDIT CARDS...Because we’re Britain’s No. 1 comparison site we have been able to negotiate great exclusive deals especially for moneysupermarket.com customers. Use our free, independent comparison to find the best offers you can’t find elsewhere.” On the page for all UK credit cards, the “Smart Search” feature was offered as an “Exclusive service” and stated “Get approved first time....

Lawrence of Kemnay Ltd
A regional press ad, for a car dealership, appeared on 3 March 2011. It was headlined “CUSTOMER SAVING £3400” and included an image of a car. Further text stated “new model fordfiesta edge 1.25 (60PS) 3-dr New on the road price £12,395 Our on the road price £8,995 HURRY - limited number available for immediate delivery on ‘11’ reg ... ”.

Stammering Cure
A website, on 5 April 2011, with the url www.stammeringcure.org. Text stated "... Discover how to stop stuttering with stammering cure that works ... You can Click Here Now to check out one thing that really helped me with my stammer ...". A number of hyperlinks on the website led to www.killyourstutter.com, a site which advertised a product that claimed to cure a stutter.

Webfusion Ltd
A website for domain names gave prices for various types of domain names including ".co.uk £2.99 a year". Text at the bottom of the home page stated "All prices Ex. VAT".

Virgin Media Ltd
a. A national press ad for Virgin Media seen in September and October 2010 stated "Fibre optic broadband £15 a month - It's official, Ofcom have proven our fibre optic broadband is around twice as fast as BT, Sky and Talk Talk's comparable packages, even at peak times†". The cross sign was linked to footnote text which stated "Source: Ofcom, July 2010. Virgin Media up to 10Mb broadband compared to competitors 8Mb or 10Mb broadband". b. A second national press ad also seen in September and...

Suntek Group
A marketer's own website, accessed on 16 April, stated "The best things in life are free ... like FREE SHIPPING! In addition to our recent storewide price reduction, we are now offering worldwide free shipping for all items and on all orders! No minimum purchase requirements!"

kgb (UK) Ltd
A sales promotion, on the kgb website, viewed on 28 March 2011. Text stated “£26 for a two-month supply of Acai Anti-Wrinkle Capsules worth £99.98 from i want to pay less - save 74%"

bmibaby Ltd
A promotional e-mail and a website for an airline promotion offering discounts on flights: a. The email ad stated "Gotta fly, baby! Up to 40% off ALL flights!" b. The website also stated "Up to 40% off ALL flights!". Terms and conditions at the bottom of the next page, after clicking on the promotion, stated "Offers available until Tuesday 22nd March. Up to 40% off applies to the airfare only and excludes airport taxes and charges".

Alegiance Services Ltd
An ad for a diet programme on the website www.dailyhealthalerts.com stated “Acai berries are the latest weight loss fad ... While there are ton’s [sic] of Acai berry ads online, Acai Diet Plus is one of the most credible and trustworthy suppliers on the market. It included the free* trial of the product and it did not try to fool me into agreeing to additional hidden offers”. Additional text featured in a customer testimonial stated "I couldn‘t be any happier with the results. I Lost 6 kgs in...

Aldi Stores Ltd
An e-mail, for Aldi supermarket, had the subject heading "Try the Aldi challenge today". The body of the e-mail had the headline "Try the Aldi challenge today and see how much you can save!". Below were two images, one showing 13 premium brand products with the text "Other supermarkets £13.92", and next to it the second featuring 13 equivalent Aldi products and the text "Your Aldi store ONLY £7.53". Text between the two images stated "SWAP &...

Global Gateway AS
Claims on the VIABTOR website, for a fuel saving device, stated "VIABTOR FOR GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND PRIVATE ECONOMY ... DRIVE CHEAPER AND MORE ECO FRIENDLY ... By using the VIABTOR you can contribute to solving the huge problems the world is facing today: climate changes, pollution and CO2 emissions ... Comprehensive tests show that from the moment the VIABTOR is fitted the car becomes more fuel efficient and produces less pollution ... GET A VIABTOR FOR YOUR CAR AND SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT AND YOUR...

Jesta Digital GmbH
A TV ad for a mobile phone game download service, broadcast in April 2011, featured a voice-over which stated "Get this SMS spy app on your mobile and subscribe for £4.50 per week! Fool your friends and pretend that you read other people's text messages. Just enter the phone number of your victim and spy his SMS box. Send 'Spy' to XXXXX. This fun app can hack into your friend's mobiles and give you all their incoming and very private SMS messages. So try it! Just text 'Spy' to XX XXX. That’s...

Jean Patrique Cookware Ltd
Two promotional e-mails, for kitchenware products, included an image of electronic salt and pepper mills: a. The first ad was sent on 3 March 2011 and had the subject heading “Electronic Salt and Pepper Mills only 1.99 GBP RRP 49.99 GBP”. The e-mail was headlined “ELECTRONIC SALT & PEPPER MILLS RRP £49.99 You SAVE £48 per Pair. Text below stated “This is an Incredible OFFER ! ...HURRY UP ! Attention: Offer only valid while stocks last!” and showed “£49.99” crossed out; “ONLY £1.99”...

Hansa Media Ltd
A mailing, dated 07/03/2011, from a company selling advertising space stated "Your business details will appear on www.searchforcompanies.co.uk”. It was laid out in tabular format with the headings "Unit", "Quantity", "Price per month" and “Total amount". It also provided a customer number, web pin number and a payment date. It also provided bank transfer and cheque details for payment. Text at the foot of the mailing stated "This document is not a demand for payment. It is an invitation to...

Claims on the Salisbury Locksmiths 24-7 website on 5 March 2011 included “Locksmith Salisbury Locksmiths In Salisbury 24 Hour Locksmith Salisbury No Callout Charges In Salisbury Local Locksmith In Salisbury ... Salisbury Locksmiths 24-7 originally started off in Salisbury in 2006 ... We have a large coverage of highly skilled locksmiths in Salisbury ... Salisbury Locksmiths 24-7 can be at your door within 30 Minutes of your call day or night ... ”.

Hutchison 3G UK Ltd
Claims on Three's website, viewed on 27 March 2011, stated "No other network gives you more for £10. More minutes, texts, and internet You get a great value package when you convert £10 of credit into our All in One 10 Add-on. See the table below to find out how we compare to these other high-street operators". The table compared Three's package to those of Orange, T-Mobile, Tesco, Virgin, Asda, Vodafone and O2.

Midland Van Conversions
Claims on a website for a van conversion company, in April 2011, stated "Based in the heart of England, Midland van conversions have over 40 years experience within the motortrade and specialise in the conversions of all makes of panel van". The 'Gallery' section of the website featured photos of different van conversions.

National Guild of Removers Storers
Text on the National Guild of Removers & Storers website stated "No other organisation or firm comes close to matching The Guild and its Members when it comes to consumer protection measures".

MyCityDeal Ltd
Two e-mails for Groupon deal of the day coupons: a. One e-mail, sent on 15 February, stated "£98 for £1650 towards Invisalign Teeth-Bracing Technology and Whitening at Q Clinic. View now For £98,00 [sic] Discount 94% Saving £1552,00 [sic]". Underneath, below the heading "Highlights" text stated "£1650 discount on the full price (usually £3,500)" and text under the heading "Fine Print" stated "Holder must pay remaining balance". b. The second e-mail, sent on 5 March, stated "Today's Extra...

DSG Retail Ltd
An electronics website advertising the NIKON Coolpix S8000 Compact Digital Camera listed the price as £119.97 and stated "Save a total of £130.02". When clicking the ad, on 30/03/2011, a second page loaded which informed consumers that the product was not available and recommended an alternative camera.

Alberto-Culver Company (UK) Ltd
a. A press ad was headed "10x stronger after just one use* Naturally". The body copy stated "With fewer sulphates and silicone free conditioning, new TRESemme Naturals won't dry out or weigh down your hair. With natural extracts of avocado, sweet orange and aloe vera, it helps to hydrate and smooth. Giving you hair that's 10X stronger after only one use. Get salon performance naturally, at a price that feels right". Text at the bottom of the ad stated "*TRESemme Naturals Shampoo and...

Albany Womens Centre
A company listing on Yell.com, for a pregnancy advice service, appeared under a search listing for 'Abortion Clinics'. The ad stated "Albany Women's Centre [address]. Considering Abortion? Free Pregnancy Testing Information & Advisory Service Quick & Confidential Morning After? Polish And Spanish Spoken".

Alfa Agency
Two online ads for an events recruitment company: a. The first ad, on the FRIDAY-AD website on 7 April 2011, was headlined "Alfa Agency Pr Events staff Models required work available ...". Text underneath stated "Alfa Agency Pr events staff Models required work available right now. Events/promotional staff/Models required for events. If you have any experience in these areas and wish to earn good rates, please email us with your CV and a photograph ... Currently we have positions to fill for...

Carlsberg UK Ltd
A prize promotion, on packs of Carlsberg, in January 2011, stated “Main Competition 2. There are 14 main prizes to be won in total. One prize will be won every week for the duration of the promotion. Each main prize consists of a 47 inch LG 3D TV, a Sky+HD box, a years subscription to Sky World and Sky+HD, and four pairs of 3D glasses. Everyone who buys a promotional pack will also be eligible to send off for a free pair of Carlsberg pint glasses ... All entries must be received by 7th...

Anette Poths
A website on 25 April 2011, for Anette Poths holistic family care, stated "Reflexology is deeply relaxing, aids elimination of toxins, improves circulation and digestion, increases energy levels and promotes mental and emotional well-being".

RB 1034

Jaarevaluatie Postbus 51-campagnes 2010


Bijlage bij Kamerstukken II 2010/11, 32 500-III, nr. 12.

De Jaarevaluatie levert feiten en inzichten over de overheidscampagnes die in 2010 via Postbus 51 zijn gevoerd.

De volgende aspecten komen daarbij aan de orde:
- De beleids- en communicatiedoelstellingen van de campagnes;
- De media-inzet en de bestedingen die daarmee gemoeid zijn;
- De communicatieve werking van de campagnes en de gerealiseerde effecten.

Communicatie via Postbus 51-campagnes is een beleidsinstrument net zoals subsidies, regelgeving en handhaving. Postbus 51-campagnes beogen, in samenhang met andere beleidsinstrumenten, een bijdrage te leveren aan het realiseren van beleidsdoelstellingen door burgers te informeren, een bepaald bewustzijn of draagvlak voor beleid te creëren en het stimuleren van gewenst gedrag.

De Jaarevaluatie biedt inzichten in de effecten van massamediale communicatie. Of campagnes er in slagen om een goede bijdrage te leveren aan de beleidsuitvoering kan alleen in de specifieke beleidscontext beoordeeld worden. In de verslagen van de afzonderlijke campagnes (zie hoofdstuk 6) staan de beleids- en communicatiedoelstellingen en de belangrijkste resultaten per campagne samengevat.

Dit hoofdstuk biedt een overzicht van de belangrijkste algemene bevindingen waarbij de campagneresultaten van 2010 op hoofdlijnen vergeleken worden met die van voorgaande jaren.

RB 1028

Ireland ASA Complaints Bulletin 28 juni 2011

De Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland, de RCC in Ierland, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën variëren van telefoonabonnementen, bier, zorgverzekeringen, bookmaker, netwerkaanbieder, resort, pakketdienst, reiki beoefenaar, centrum voor afvallen, auto, online in- en verkoop, tentoonstelling, onderhoud auto, autoverzekering, energieleverancier, auto verkoop.

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Paddy Power
A leaflet handed out at the Ireland V England rugby match in the Aviva Stadium stated
“Treble The Odds
Open a new phone account. bet €50 and we’ll TREBLE the odds for you! That’s €50 at...

An outdoor poster campaign featured a frosted glass of Budweiser Ice Cold beside a frosted Budweiser bar tap. One of the captions stated “Budweiser ICE COLD. THE COLDEST PINT EVER. CHILLED BELOW ZERO.”

VHI Healthcare
The announcer stated the following:
“Vhi Healthcare is still the cheapest for couples and the cheapest for families, which means great quality healthcare at the best prices. As we’re the only not-for-profit health insurer in Ireland, your care is our only priority. Switch to us now on 1850 44 44 44 or compare and save at vhi.ie. Vhi Healthcare. When you need us we’re there.

Harrington Bookmakers
A leaflet for Harrington Bookmakers was headlined “The Punters No.1 Choice Bookmaker”.

The poster advertisement featured various android and smart phones. The bottom left of the advertisement included a claim of “99% Population coverage.”

Delphi Mountain Resort
A brochure for Delphi Mountain Resort featured various special offers including “Unforgettable Family Holidays €999 per family” and “Easter Family Fun From only €259”. Both offers were accompanied by a photo of two children wearing life jackets and an adult with no jacket boating in a lake/river scenario.

Press 1.
The advertisement featured an “I love you” sign and stated “Love your smartphone without the long term contract. Switch to Vodafone. Unlimited free Vodafone calls & texts. Switch to Simply Plus from Vodafone. For just €40 a month you get loads of calls & texts to any network, plus lots of data. So now you can love your Smartphone and your network. Offer ends 30th April.”

City Post
The advertisement was set in a board room scenario with staff members in a meeting and one of them, Sean, was presenting to the meeting:

Abby Wynne
The website was for a reiki practitioner and it claimed that reiki “boosts your body’s natural immune system” and “many people have described how Reiki has helped them recover from life threatening illnesses, severe stress, chronic pain and even cancer. Studies have shown that Reiki helps people recover from surgery much faster than people who have not had Reiki.”

Keith Anthony Weight Loss Centres
A poster advertisement featured a client of Keith Anthony Weight Loss Centres and showed a before photograph of the client also alongside the caption “I’ve lost 4 stone 3lbs in 14 weeks.” The headline stated “Strictly no bars, no sachets, no supplements, no gimmicks.” The advertisement provided a web address and further contact details for the weight loss centres.

The advertisement featured four men whispering the words of the song I love Rock ‘N Roll while driving with a baby in the back seat. They pulled up to the side of the road to drop the baby with the mother and then continued on driving while singing at the top of their voice. It appeared the men were driving to a sporting event.

VHI Healthcare
Radio - VHI Cheapest For Couples & Families
VO: VHI Healthcare is still the cheapest for couples and the cheapest for families which means great quality healthcare at the best prices. As for the only not for profit health insurer in Ireland, your care is our only priority. Switch to us now on 1850 444444 or compare and save at vhi.ie. VHI healthcare, when you need us we’re there. Savings based on VHI one plus plan versus Quinn essential plus excess and Aviva I&We level 2 excess. Terms and conditions apply.

Heineken Ireland
The scene opened with a male passenger in a train compartment with a bottle of Heineken and the train pulling into a station. He placed a beer mat on top of the bottle and headed outside to buy a paper. On his return, he encountered a couple, in what he believed to be his compartment and the woman was sitting sipping a Heineken.

Deal Solo
The radio advertisement featured a female voice over who said “Buying Selling DealSolo.ie”. A child’s voice then said “It’s feckin’ great. The word feckin’ had been partially beeped out.

MCD Promotions
“The Pharaoh has arrived! …. Tutankhamun. His tomb and his treasures. A major exhibition of the international archaeological sensation. The spectacular reconstruction of the pharaoh’s tomb and treasures. RDS, Dublin. Venue box office open daily from 10am – 7pm.”

VHI Healthcare
The headline caption stated “Vhi Healthcare Cheapest for Individuals, Couples and Families.” Below it stated “As we are the only not for profit health insurer in Ireland, your care is our only priority. Compare our prices and then switch to us on 1850 44 44 44 or visit vhi.ie.” A table below compared the Vhi One Plus Plan for Families, Couples and the Vhi One Plan for Individuals with a comparable plan from Aviva and Quinn. It showed that in the examples quoted, VHI was cheaper that its competitors.” The footnote stated “Terms and conditions apply. Savings correct at time of going to print.”

Audi Ireland
A promotion for an Audi Service with Audi South Dublin Service Centre offered “Seasonal service offers from only €119.99. Full Service from only €189.99. Brake fluid change from only €79.99” and “Air Conditioning service from only €99.99.”

No Nonsense Insurance
The advertisement featured three plastic dolls dressed as insurance workers, and they were sitting around the canteen table talking about car insurance:
FVO (Woman): “And he says… is there anything you can do on the price… and I says… of course there is now Michael have you considered the sex change...what says he?...a sex change… says I ... taking a spanner and making a few adjustments because if you’re to come back a woman say in ten years, we’ve great deals for the mature lady driver.”

The advertisement showed various everyday life scenarios that were powered by Airtricity energy. This included imagery of a sports stadium lit up at night, a hospital ward, the luas, a couple out walking late at night under street lighting and a mother and daughter at bedtime.

The television advertisement featured babushka dolls and the voice over stated the following:
“There is something very different about the eircom bundle. You still get up to 8mb next generation broadband, you still get unlimited local and national calls and you still get 30 minutes to any mobile network. The only difference is the new small price just €39.99 a month. To switch today call 1800 350 303 or visit eircom.net”

Car Buyers Guide
An advertisement for the Car Buyers Guide featured a couple who were selling their car on the advertisers’ website. The advertisement began with the girl in hot pants and cropped top draped over a car using the automatic feature on a camera to take pictures of herself. Next she was shown uploading the photographs to the advertisers’ website and explaining to her partner that she took some photographs of his car and uploaded them to sell the car. When showing him the photographs she said “I reckon these might sell it.”

RB 1023

UK ASA Adjudications 29 juni

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot-Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën variëren van babyvoeding, akte tot naamsverandering, film, printshop, mediabedrijf, zorgverlening, vergelijkwebsite voor stookolie, koffie aanbieder, ramen aanbieder, chocoladepasta, zwangerschapstest en alternatieve geneeskundige.

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Nutricia Ltd
a. A TV ad, broadcast in February 2009, featured a toddler sitting in a high chair. Voice-over and on-screen text stated "Did you know that to grow at his best your toddler needs at least 6 mg of iron per day?". On-screen text stated "*as part of a mixed diet". The voice-over continued, "that's the equivalent of 20 litres of cows' milk …" A mother was shown carrying an enormous beaker of 20 L of milk and placing it in front of the toddler. The voice-over...

Multimedia Computing Ltd
A website, for a UK deed poll service, stated "Official website of the UK Deed Poll Service".

Lions Gate UK Ltd
Two TV ads for the release of the film, Drive Angry 3D, featuring the actor Nicholas Cage. a. The first ad began with a car crashing into a group of people. Large on-screen text and a voice-over stated "Get ready for a hell of a ride". Nicholas Cage was then shown pointing a large gun and saying "You can't stop me". Various violent scenes ensued. In one scene, a man was shot through the chest at close range. In another scene a man was shown firing a gun and the bullet moving in slow motion...

VistaPrint Ltd
A TV ad for a business card printing service, broadcast on 10 April 2011, featured a voice-over and text that stated "Want to make the right first impression? Get the right business card. Go now to vistaprint.tv and get 500 business cards for just £5". On-screen text stated "Offer ends 30/6/11".

Virgin Media Ltd
A website and an internet banner ad, for Virgin Media, appeared in December 2010: a. The website, www.stopthebroadbandcon.org, included mechanisms to sign a petition and to share the page via social networking sites as well as a video that parodied a Sky TV ad. It was headlined “STOP the BROADBAND CON!”. Text below stated “Support the Campaign for Broadband Honesty”. Further text included “You deserve the truth from all ISPs and we’re urging the Advertising Standards Authority to put a...

SSP Health
Claims on a website, for health services, appeared in March 2011. Text on the home page stated “SSP Health operate 17 NHS practices around the North West. From Manchester to Liverpool, St Helens to Chorley, we cover a wide area and look after more than 50,000 patients”. A drop down list on the home page included “Greenland Avenue, Bolton”. Greenland Avenue was listed on the “Practices” page and was linked to a full page for Greenland Avenue.

BoilerJuice Ltd
An e-mail, for a heating oil comparison website, stated "The Buying Weekend Has Started!!! If you have been waiting for the price of oil to drop before you order, now is looking like a great time to place your order!" At the bottom of the e-mail, further text stated "BoilerJuice offers a completely impartial service to both our customers and participating suppliers".

Bodum (UK) Ltd
A magazine ad, for Bodum coffee makers, showed a pile of empty coffee cartridges on the left. Text above stated "make taste, not waste". On the right, three Bodum "French press" coffee pots were depicted. Text across them stated “get green”. Smaller text stated, “The BODUM simple brewing method does not contaminate and pollute trash. It is preferred by baristas world-wide as it brings out the most authentic qualities of the coffee’s flavour and it conserves its aromas and essential oils....

Anglian Windows Ltd
A sponsored search link for Anglian Windows, seen in February 2011, that appeared when searching for the term “Whitchurch Windows" stated "Whitchurch Windows - Save Energy & Heating Costs With Our Quality Windows! Enquire Now [a website address for Anglian Windows followed].

Ferrero UK Ltd
A TV and video on demand (VOD) ad, for Nutella. The ad was viewed on TV by the complainants between November 2010 and February 2011. The VOD ad was viewed in December 2010 during ‘Jamie’s American Food Revolution’ and ‘Neighbours’. It showed various people, including children, waking up and going about their morning routines; they prepared toast with Nutella and left their homes dressed for work or school. It included a voice-over that stated “ ... Each 15 gram portion contains two whole...

Church Dwight UK Ltd
A magazine and a radio ad for the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test appeared in September and October 2010: a. The magazine ad featured an image of the First Response test result showing two pink lines, above text that stated “Yes, you’re pregnant”, and an image of a digital test result showing the words "Not pregnant", above text that stated “Can’t tell, try me again in a couple of days". Further text stated “Unlike digital pregnancy tests we operate on a 'you need to know...

Christina Moore
A website for an alternative therapy practitioner was headlined "christina moore healer". Text under the heading "about christina" stated "I was trained as a Reiki Master, under the Usui System of Natural Healing, by one of the most renowned and respected masters in England ... Several years ago I was made aware of the presence of angels during healing sessions and to further my knowledge of them I then trained as a certified Angel Therapist Practitioner with Charles Virtue and hence now...

RB 1008

UK ASA Adjudications 22 juni

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot-Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën variëren van een projector, bonus bij open rekening, auto, verwarming- en verkoelingssystemen, schoenen, zonnebril, systeem om te wedden, Autoglass, dienst die tanden bleekt, frankeersysteem, inboedelverzekering en kookboek.

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Planet Distributions Ltd
An ad that appeared on the website for Right Projectors on 10 and 14 March 2011 showed a photograph and product information for the Technic HD500 projector. Text stated "Qty Remaining: 1;" "SPECIAL OFFER ENDS THURSDAY 17TH MARCH" AND "GUARANTEED NEXT DAY DELIVERY!"

Petfre (Gibraltar) Ltd
A promotion, viewed on Betfred's website on 16 March 2011, stated "£5 FREE NO-DEPOSIT BONUS". Further text headed "How to Claim your £5 free chips" stated "In order to claim the exclusive welcome offer, just follow these easy steps: 1. Open a Real Money account. 2. Your £5 bonus will be credited within 48 hours of opening your account. 3. Log-in to the download Betfred Casino within 72 hours of receiving the email notification to get your bonus, as it will otherwise expire. 4. Once logged-in...

Mazda Motors (UK) Ltd
A TV ad for a car company, broadcast in April 2011, featured the Executive Officer of Mazda speaking in Japanese. On-screen text, which translated the spoken words, stated "The Hiroshima spirit is strong at Mazda. When faced with a challenge, we set out to overcome it. For example, only Mazda made a success out of the rotary engine. To prove how good this engine was, we entered it into the Le Mans 24 hour race. And we won. The Hiroshima spirit is to never give up, to pursue excellence. To...

Sabien Technology Ltd
A website video for an intelligent control system for commercial heating and cooling systems showed how these systems operated with and without the intelligent control system.

Reebok Sports Ltd
The front cover of a leaflet, for Reebok Reezig ZigTech trainers, showed a picture of Lewis Hamilton holding a ZigTech trainer. Text stated "THE ENERGY DRINK FOR YOUR FEET". On the inside, text stated "Feel the shoe with the energy boost, its unique sole propels you forward, while reducing wear and tear by up to 20% on key leg muscles". On the back of the leaflet text stated "ZigTech Apparel is engineered with Celliant fibres. Celliant fibres take energy emitted...

The website homepage for Ray-BanShop UK, seen on 25 March 2011, stated “100% Authentic, money back and satisfaction guaranteed”.

Betting Scalper
A website for a company selling information about a betting system stated "Here's How to Turn the ONLY Unfair Advantage Left in Betting Into Profits Of £109,148.69 Or More Every Month". It also featured a screen shot of the apparent author’s bank account showing a cleared balance of £82,648. Text also stated “And I’m not the Only One With These Incredible Results From Betting Scalper - Check Out Just a Few Screenshots I’ve Recieved (sic) From Friends I’ve Shared This With!” Below this text...

Belron UK Ltd
A radio ad, and a TV ad, for Autoglass, both broadcast in March 2011: a. The radio ad said "If you have a chip in your windscreen, make just one call direct to Autoglass. There's no need to call your insurer. We can usually repair that chip for free if you're fully comp and it won’t even affect your no-claims bonus ...”. b. The TV ad stated "In these tough times, if you ignore a chip, you could end up paying your insurance excess. One call to Autoglass and we can usually repair it...

AllWhite3000 Ltd
Claims on AllWhite3000's website, for a tooth whitening service, included "Tests prove that, after whitening with Allwhite3000, teeth score from 5 to 14 points higher on the Vita scale ... This technique whitens your teeth right away and has no side effects. The result is 80% better than home whitening products and 40% better than comparable laser technologies ... Years of experience in laser technology and treating thousands of satisfied customers explains why people, including...

Franking Machine Company Supplies Ltd
A claim on a website for Franking Machine Company Supplies Ltd stated "FMC save up to 28% by switching to franking!".

Direct Line Group Ltd
A TV ad (a) and a banner ad on the Direct Line website (b), which were seen on 3 March 2011, promoted home insurance. a. The TV ad featured a representative of the company who said "So, say this is the price of your current home insurance. We promise we can beat that price." A voice-over and on-screen text stated "We promise to beat the price of your current home insurance". Additional on-screen text stated "Minimum 12 months + with current home insurer. Minimum...

Blakefield LLP
A national press ad, for “The Nostalgic Cookbook", published on 5 March 2011, was headed "Try My Heavenly Chocolate Pudding ..." and described some of the recipes contained in the book. On the right-hand side of the page, text inside a circle above an order form stated "PLUS 3 FREE BONUS GIFTS!". On the order form, under the heading "FREE GIFT 2", text stated " 'Old Fashioned Cleaning Tips' - My granny was a proud woman and would pride herself on having a clean kitchen and a gleaming parlour...

RB 1002

Resetten van DNA

RCC 3 mei 2011, Dossiernrs. 2011/00178 en 2011/00178A (Lancaster DNA)

Reclamerecht. Televisiereclame over 365 Cellular Elixer van Lancaster: "Reset elke dag het DNA van uw huid." Klager 1 stelt dat mededeling niet onderbouwd kan worden. Klager 2 stelt dat uiting misleidend is, DNA kan niet gereset worden. Verweerder stelt dat het product het herstel van beschadigd DNA in de huidcellen kan bevorderen en versnellen. Stelling uitgelegd en onderbouwd met onderzoeken.
Commissie oordeelt dat product bijdrage kan leveren aan herstel van beschadigd DNA. Dit rechtvaardigt niet de absolute claim "reset elke dag het DNA van uw huid." Sprake van onjuiste informatie (art. 8.2 aanhef NRC). Strijd met art. 7 NRC. Doet aanbeveling.

Gelet op het verweer acht de Commissie het aannemelijk dat het aangeprezen product een bijdrage kan leveren aan het herstel van beschadigd DNA, zoals dat herstel door de drie in door Coty aangehaalde natuurlijke herstelprocessen in meer of -naarmate de leeftijd stijgt- mindere mate wordt bewerkstelligd, met name in die zin dat het herstel wordt bevorderd en versneld. Deze bijdrage aan het herstel rechtvaardigt echter niet de absolute en niet kennelijk overdreven claim “365 Cellular Elixer reset elke dag het DNA van uw huid”.

Lees de gehele uitspraak 2011/00178 hier (link / pdf)
Lees de gehele uitspraak 2011/00178A hier (link / pdf)
Regeling: NRC art. 7, art. 8.2 aanhef

RB 999

UK ASA Adjudications 1, 8 en 15 juni 2011

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot-Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën van 15 juni variëren van Circulation Booster, zwangerschapstesten, water ionizer, minibus, Peugeot, verrekijkers, James Bond magazine, film, technische winkel, batterijen, hair extensions, logo, website voor auto's, rij-examen, rijschool, apparaat voor infrarood therapie, vliegmaatschappij.

Categorieën van 8 juni variëren van Groupon, homeopatisch product, inboedelverzekering, Revival Fellowship, bulk SMS service, keuken en badkamer bedrijf, vacature website, modellenbureau, wedstrijd in automagazine, film en TV extra's, CVketel installatiebedrijf, vacatures, karateschool, Money manager, douchebak, steunband voor knie.

Categorieën van 1 juni variëren van elektronische apparaat voor gezondheid, voedingssupplement met magnesium, medium, huizenmarketing, sauzen, touroperator, filmrelease, Carpetright, tuinarchitectuur, levensverzekering, krant, bloedzuiverend middel, online adresboeksysteem.

Zie plaatjes hieronder (klik voor vergroting), klik voor de directe site hier.

High Tech Health Ltd
A leaflet and a teleshopping ad made claims for a “circulation booster”. a. The leaflet stated, “Immediate relief from aches, pains and swelling! Poor circulation? Swollen feet & ankles? Cold feet & aching tired legs? You need the all new Circulation Booster V3”. It went in to some detail about the action and effects of the product, claiming that it “applies mild electrical muscle simulation” to the feet, that it “can reduce foot and ankle swelling … With regular use of the Circulation...

Home Health (UK) Ltd
A commercial ad on Ebay in April 2011, for pregnancy tests, stated "10 ULTRA EARLY 10mIU NHS PREGNANCY TTC TEST/TESTS".

Earth Trade Water Inc
An e-mail, sent 30 March 2011, to approximately 200 recipients, promoted water ionizers. All the recipients' e-mail addresses were visible in the “To” field. Text in the body of the e-mail stated “The colon has received increased attention in recent years as colon cancer has risen rapidly to become the third leading cause of death in the US. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and dehydration are factors that are often cited to lead to poor colon health. Poor colon health is considered a primary...

GM Coachwork Ltd
Claims on the home page of MiniBus Lite's website stated "MiniBus Lite is the only 17 seater minibus you can drive on a standard manual car licence. The GM Coachwork Minibus Lite is the UK's first 17 seater minibus (including driver) weighing less than 3.5 tonnes. The vehicle's low weight means that anyone with a current, valid UK full driving licence which they have held for over 2 years can drive it. This means that organisations such as schools can allow more of their staff to drive the...

Peugeot Motor Company plc
A TV ad, for Peugeot's 207 Envy, viewed on the children's channel Nick Jr on 5 March 2011 at 2:15pm during Peppa Pig, was shot from underwater in a dark swimming pool at night. A car was seen from below hitting the water and slowly sinking. Muted, bass music was heard in the background together with the sound of air bubbles escaping from the car to the surface and water rushing through the air vents. Two men were heard discussing the car over the telephone. The first said "Have you seen it?"...

Winning Deals Ltd
A national press ad, for binoculars, on 10 March 2011, stated "NATL. AIR & SPACE DEPOT SALE. NOTICE! Long range 24x Magnification. SEA & FIELD ZOOM BINOCULARS (all in original shipping cases). So powerful that if you were on the cliffs of Dover the coast of France would appear to be just ONE MILE AWAY!!!! ... Starting midnight 9th March, the National Air & Space Depot will accept orders direct from the public for 8-24x MAGNIFICATION SEA & FIELD ZOOM BINOCULARS ... TEST CERTIFICATE:...

MI6 Confidential
Claims on MI6 Confidential magazine's website, viewed on 16 March 2011, for a James Bond magazine, included "MI6 Confidential is the only professionally created James Bond magazine available exclusively in print".

Paramount Pictures UK
A TV ad for the film "No Strings Attached" broadcast on More4 between 13.30 and 14.30 on 11 February 2011, during the programme Deal or No Deal. The female character said "I need someone who's going to be in my bed, no strings attached" and the male character replied "I could do that". Two brief scenes showed the couple in bed together before on-screen text read "CAN BEST FRIENDS ... BE SEX FRIENDS?".

Comet Group plc
A brochure, for a technology retailer, was headed “Online prices in store now. Please ask in store for details”. Each double-page spread was also headed “Online prices in store now. Please ask in store for details” and “Prices checked daily”. The bottom of each page stated: “Prices and offers correct at time of going to press. Prices and offers may vary. Ask in-store for details. Offers valid from 17 February 2011”. Text at the top of page 22 stated: “Save £150. £89.99 was £239.99 Panasonic...

Claims on a website selling batteries, on 29 March 2011, stated "Customer Service ... 145-147 St John Street EC1V 4PY London (Please note that this is our warehouse address. No local pick up is available)".

Belle Hair Extensions
An ad on the Belle Hair Extensions website, seen 3 March 2011, promoted “1 Day Intense Hair Training £395. Text stated “On your Belle Hair Extension Fast Track Training Course you will be taught by qualified tutors these application methods (Micro fusion bonding, Micro Ring/Links) for just one price. You will get a professional hair extension kit and manual, professional insurance approved certification so you can start working immediately and certified professional training”. The website...

A sales promotion on 25poundlogo website stated "One-time Special Offer Must End Midnight, Sat Mar 19 2011. Celebrating Our 500th customer! With every package you get ... FREE: Copyright Legal Certificate worth £50. FREE: Life-time alterations to your logo worth £50. OFFER OPEN NOW!".

All Vehicle Contracts Ltd
Claims on Autobuddy's website, viewed between 30 March and 3 April 2011, included "The Home of INSTANT Online Quotations". The website's home page included a "Quick Quotation Search" where consumers could choose from drop-down lists of a range of car manufacturers, models, "versions" and contract types, and a "Vehicle Shopper with Company Car Tax Calculations" where consumers could choose from drop-down lists of contract types, car manufacturers, CO2 emission levels and select a monthly cost...

Book A DSA Test
A website, for Book A DSA Test, on 13 March 2011, stated "Book a DSA Test. The quick and easy way to book your practical or theory driving test online ... You can now book your DSA Practical and Theory test FAST and SIMPLY online. We are here to provide you with the smart way to book and manage your DSA Practical Driving Test or your DSA Theory Driving Test online with as little fuss for you as possible. Booking your test couldn't be simpler now, just complete the online form for the test you...

Bradleys School of Motoring
Claims on a website for a driving school, in March 2011, stated "Find a driving instructor in Sunderland, Hartlepool & Durham with a higher pass rate than ours and we will give you your lesson for free!".

A sponsored link on an internet search engine, for infra-red therapy devices, stated "Get Thermotex Online Thermotex -48%:Shop a large selection & find incredible deals! www.thermotex.deal24.co.uk".

bmibaby Ltd
A promotional e-mail, for flights, was sent in January 2011. It was headlined “Massive discounts, baby!”. Text below stated “Quick! It’s your last chance to book BIG savings on all flights for 2011. Don’t delay and check out the flights on offer”.

MyCityDeal Ltd
A sales promotion from Groupon, stated "Lengthen Those Lashes with Eyelash Extensions from Bo Chic for £24 instead of £90". Text under the heading "Fine Print" included"This Group is valid for 5 on 1 bud eyelash extensions only ....".

Nathans Natural LLC
The website for Levodyn, a herbal product, on 9 February 2011, stated “Levodyn is composed of 19 herbs and minerals that have been shown to help lower blood pressure and thus lead to a healthy heart. We have used only natural ingredients, so you never have to worry about the troublesome side effects of prescription medication ... can help naturally lower your blood pressure and help prevent cardiovascular problems ... Levodyn is a breakthrough non prescription high blood pressure reducing...

Lloyds TSB General Insurance Ltd
A TV ad, broadcast in October 2010, for home insurance showed a cartoon man coming home to find that he had been burgled. The ad showed him picking up a letter from Lloyds TSB titled "Personal Claims Consultant" and the man was subsequently visited by a Personal Claims Consultant. A voice-over said "At Lloyds TSB, we understand how upsetting it can be when things go wrong, which is why we'll send you a personal claims consultant to help you when you need it most. So the same person will...

Medway Revival Fellowship
A circular for the Revival Fellowship was headlined "YOUR INVITATION TO COME AND SEE". Text on the back of the circular included "After prayer, Russell was healed from a severe food allergy and Autism. He now leads a healthy and completely normal life", "In 1984, Granville suffered another brain haemorrhage and died 3 times. After prayer, he came alive. He still lives today", "Trevor & Leila were told that their newborn girl was 'incompatible with life'...

Text Marketer Ltd
Claims on a website, CompareBulkSMSPrices, on 11 April 2011, stated "The latest up to date prices for Bulk SMS - checked 6 days ago ... With hundreds of Bulk SMS suppliers around the world, our mission is to stay up to date with the cheapest and best deals, the best technology and customer service tools". Underneath, a table headed "The Main Price Comparison Chart" included a list of companies and details of their bulk SMS services. The company listed as "The Current Number 1" was Text...

The Kitchen and Bathroom Company
A regional press ad for The Kitchen and Bathroom Company stated "Create your Dream Home, Free Fitting*" and "Free Fitting RRP £2499 Range Pack inc: Cooker, Splash Back & Chimney £399* With purchase of a kitchen". The asterisk linked to text that stated "Not in conjunction with any other offer".

Powerhouse Direct Ltd
Text on a job search website, for a Junior Trainee in Marketing/Sales/PR/Customer Service, stated information about the role including "salary: £15,000 per year" and "job term: Permanent/Full-time".

Talent Search UK
An ad in the regional press (a) and a follow-up leaflet (b) for Talent Search UK stated: a. "MODELS & EXTRAS DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY QUALITIES TO BE A MODEL OR EXTRA?CATALOGUE, PHOTOGRAPHIC & FILM/T.V. EXTRA WORK, FASHION & PROMOTIONAL WORK ... ARRIVE EARLY TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT [SIC]. LIMITED SPACES". Text at the bottom of the ad stated "Placement with UK agencies". b. "Some TV Credits/Modelling Assignments our Agencies have are as...

Creative Media Ltd
A competition in a car magazine, in February 2010, to win £10,000 worth of car accessories was headlined "WIN A £10,000 MAKEOVER!" Text below stated "FORGET TRINNY, SUSANNAH AND THAT Gok fella, when it comes to full on budget busting makeovers we've got a competition that'll blow your socks off ... it's not very often we get to offer a full-on motor makeover but that generous lot over at the Auto Sound & Style Show, to celebrate their awesome event kicking off on the 7th of...

ELI Casting Agency
Text on the Gumtree website, for film and TV extras, stated "BECOME A WELL PAID FILM and TV EXTRA OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE! MEET and WORK WITH TOP CELEBRITIES! EARN £80 - £300 PER SHOOT... TO APPLY: E-MAIL US YOUR: NAME and E-MAIL ADDRESS ONLY TO: office@elicasting.co.uk ANYTIME! 24/7 We will get back to you as quickly as possible. Please bare [sic.] with us as we are very busy!".

A1 Services
An ad in Yellow Pages on 19 January 2011, for A1 Services, a boiler installation firm, listed the names of six different locations in Hertfordshire followed by a telephone number for each location. The ad also featured the logos for Corgi and Oftec alongside the text "Registered Installers".

AC Generations Ltd
Four online ads by AC Generations seen in February 2011 for job vacancies stated in each case that the job type was "permanent" and that the vacancies were for the following roles: "Brand Management and Marketing"; "Customer Service Property Surveying"; "Customer service/sale advisors"; and "Hospitality & Catering". All of the ads included an example of the weekly wage, e.g. "Salary: Up to £500/week" and "Salary: £300 - £500...

Karate Leadership UK
Claims on Karate Leadership UK's website, viewed in March 2011, included "WHICH MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL IS BEST FOR ME AND / OR MY FAMILY ??? ... If they charge for your Martial Arts on a 'Per Session' basis you're in the wrong school. This can mean only one of two things, firstly they aren't intending on being around for long or secondly this is just a 'hobby' for them. Remember we are talking about introducing an adult into your child's life that can potentially have a massive effect on their...

Lloyds TSB Bank plc
A TV ad, for Lloyds TSB’s Money Manager service, viewed on 8 March 2011, stated "With all our bills, direct debits and purchases, it's sometimes hard to keep track of our money. Money Manager from Lloyds TSB is a new, free way to show you how much you're spending and on what. It helps you keep control of your spending so you can see where you can save a little here and there. Lloyds TSB, for the journey". On-screen text displayed during the ad stated "Money Manager is not intended to provide...

First Bathrooms
A website for bathrooms showed an image of a shower tray. Text stated "Easy Plumb Rectangle Shower Tray 900 x 800mm ... The original, classically designed shower tray, featuring a high-gloss surface which feels exactly like ceramic to the touch. This tray is made from a stone resin mix for strength and rigidity, eliminating the movement so often found with plastic composite trays".

Home Shopping Selections Ltd
A press ad, promoting a thin strap worn below the knee, was headlined “IMMEDIATE KNEE PAIN RELIEF”. The product was pictured and text stated “We asked an independent research company to test our Knee Strap. The results were fantastic and now the benefits of the Knee Strap speak for themselves - as ordinary, every day, [sic] people confirm what we already knew! The Knee Strap works! The independent research company asked a panel of men and women, who suffer from knee pain to try our Knee... 

Telehealth Solutions Ltd
An e-mail on 14 March 2011, from Telehealth Solutions, stated "Keep Long-Term Condition Patients Safer, Healthier and Out of Hospital - Help Patients and Reduce Costs - The HomePod is an iPad-like device that patients can use to measure vital signs, answer questions about their symptoms, and send the information to clinical staff ... Evidence and Research - Studies estimate telehealth can reduce hospital admissions by over 90%, and the length of hospital stays by the same proportion...

Subtle Energy Therapy UK
A website, selling Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) and magnesium products, on 1 March 2011, stated "... The proof of the efficacy of this simple protocol was in successfully helping over 75,000 people in several African nations - including Uganda and Malawi - rid themselves, primarily of malaria, but also hepatitis, cancer, and AIDS ... If your health is not perfect ... you're habitually low on energy, have trouble keeping your weight down, or blood pressure in the normal range, or...

Mr Fakole
A circular, for Mr Fakole, stated "Mr Fakole Serious African international medium 20 years of experience in Haiti 100% successful ... Results are sure, serious and guaranteed ...".

upad Ltd
Text on www.upad.com stated "RENTAL PROPERTY MARKETING Advertise your property on 950 UK sites for £69 ... We'll put your property on ... rightmove.co.uk, FindaProperty.com, Zoopla, Globrix, lettingsearch.co.uk, primelocation.com, Gumtree & 950 more including ...". When readers clicked on "including" they were taken to a page that listed 998 different websites.

Unilever UK Ltd
Two ads, for gravy granules, in catering magazines: a. The first ad featured a picture of a tub of gravy granules above a headline which stated "unbeatable taste vs. Bisto*". Smaller text below the headline stated "KNORR has unbeatable scores for taste, appearance, consistency and aroma when testing against main competitors*". Smallprint at the bottom of the ad stated "*Partner Research Jan-April 2010". b. The second ad featured a picture of a sachet of gravy granules above headline text...

Thomas Cook Tour Operations Ltd
A national press ad, on 7 January 2011, for a holiday promotion had the headline "it is Summer 2011 10% off guaranteed". Text below stated "10% off all our Summer 2011 holidays. Guaranteed. Find the same holiday as ours cheaper elsewhere and we'll match the price. If we can't match the price, we'll give you the holiday free. Guaranteed". Text at the bottom-right of the ad next to the Thomas Cook logo stated "thomascook.com". Small print at the bottom of the ad stated "The 10% discount offer...

Lions Gate UK Ltd
Two TV ads for the release of the film The Mechanic, featuring the actors Jason Statham and Ben Foster: a. The first ad began with Jason Statham saying "Do you know what a mechanic is?" and showed him punching a man in the stomach, who was wearing a blood-stained T-shirt, and then running and shooting a gun at the camera. Ben Foster replied "A hitman". Scenes from the film were then shown in quick succession including a man being hit over the head with a sheet of metal and a man being shot...

Carpetright plc
A TV ad for Carpetright plc showed the presenter demonstrating how easy it was to clean a Kosset carpet before saying "and it's exclusive to Carpetright".

Aspen Landscaping Driveways
A regional press ad, on 1 February 2011, for landscaping and driveway work, stated "ASPEN LANDSCAPING & DRIVEWAYS - NORTH STAFFS NO.1 *Block Paving Specialists *Natural Stone Patios *Garden Walls & Other Aspects *Winter Discounts - Recommendations from most leading Builders Merchants ... All work Guaranteed. Call now for free quotation".

Asda Financial Services Ltd
A TV ad for life assurance, from Asda, broadcast on 28 February, for people aged over 50 featured a man arriving home with his shopping. The man said "I'd been meaning to get some life cover but I wasn't sure where to go." At the same time, on-screen text stated "For people aged 50 - 80 living in the UK". The man continued "Then I saw that Asda were offering over 50s life cover ... So I gave them a call. I didn't have to answer any health questions; I didn't have to visit my GP. I just had...

Independent News Media Ltd
A TV ad, for a newspaper, stated “i squeezes the content of a quality paper into one that's small and beautifully informed. So I've got the knowledge, in one quick fix. No celeb gossip nonsense, just intelligent stuff and that's why I love i.

Fitalifestyle Ltd
An ad for Liquid Chlorophyll, in the online shop of the See My Cells website, seen 16 March 2011, stated “Liquid Chlorophyll is the most potent blood cleanser and deodorizer. Liquid Chlorophyll has the identical chemical structure to haemoglobin in blood. The only difference being the central atom in blood being iron and Chlorophyll's central atom being magnesium. Chlorophyll is made by the process of photosynthesis and is essential to life. Chlorophyll in liquid form is essential for...

Customer Service Helplines (UK) Ltd
A sponsored link, for an online directory service, stated “Tax Credits Helpline Speak To An HMRC Advisor By Phone Numbers for Customer Services”.

RB 997

Korting op vijf gulden munt

CVB 9 juni 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00107 (Nederlandsche Muntenhuis)

Reclamerecht. Televisiecommercial waarin vijf gulden munt van 21,6 karaat goud met 200 euro korting (199 i.p.v. 399 euro) wordt aangeboden door Nederlansche Muntenhuis. Klager stelt dat normale verkoopwaarde tussen de 135 en 150 euro schommelt en acht uiting dus misleidend. Verweerder stelt dat volgens Muntalmanak de verkoopprijs tussen de 225 en 300 euro ligt, afhankelijk van goudgehalte en marktomstandigheden. Gehanteerde reguliere prijs van 399 euro is binnen de marges.

Commissie oordeelt dat de door verweerder gehanteerde reguliere prijs ver boven de prijs in Muntalmanak ligt. Acht het daarom niet aannemelijk dat 199 euro daadwerkelijk een korting van 200 euro inhoudt. Sprake van onduidelijke of dubbelzinnige informatie (art. 8.2 aanhef en onder d NRC). Strijd met art. 7 NRC. Doet aanbeveling.
Grieven: de genoemde prijs van 399 euro is inclusief foedraal, certificaat van echtheid en beschrijving historische achtergrond. Prijs genoemd in Muntalmanak is richtprijs. Adverteerder mag binnen redelijke grenzen zekere marges hanteren. Oordeel Commissie is subjectief, gaat in tegen vrijheid van marktpartijen om prijzen naar eigen inzicht vast te stellen. Uiting bevat geen onduidelijke of dubbelzinnige informatie.

CVB: het Nederlansche Muntenhuis voert terecht aan dat hij zelf prijs mag bepalen. Wel moet hij aannemelijk maken dat reguliere verkoopprijs 399 euro is als munt bij hem wordt besteld. Dit heeft verweerder niet onderbouwd. Geen einddatum van kortingsactie in uiting genoemd dus blijkbaar standaard voor 199 euro verkocht. Eenmalig 200 euro korting klopt dus niet. Sprake van onjuiste informatie (art. 8.2 aanhef en onder d NRC). Strijd met art. 7 NRC. Bevestigt beslissing Commissie met wijziging van gronden.


2. Het College constateert dat Het Nederlandsche Muntenhuis op geen enkele wij­­ze heeft onderbouwd dat de munt buiten de kortingsactie € 399,-- bij hem kost.

In de televisiecommercial wordt bovendien geen einddatum van de kortingsactie genoemd, zodat blijkbaar sprake is van de situatie dat de munt standaard voor

€ 199,-- wordt verkocht. Aldus is niet gebleken dat men in het kader van de in de televisiecommercial bedoelde actie de munt “eenmalig met € 200,-- korting“ kan kopen. Dit im­pliceert dat Het Neder­land­sche Muntenhuis in de be­stre­den televisie­commer­cial onjuiste informatie verstrekt met betrekking tot het te beha­len prijsvoor­deel als bedoeld in artikel 8.2 aanhef en onder d van de Neder­land­se Reclame Co­de (NRC).

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)
Regeling: NRC art. 7, art. 8.2 aanhef en onder d