
RB 1013

iPod cadeau bij inschrijving

VzRCC 16 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00282 (LOI)

Reclamerecht. Uiting op de radio over inschrijven voor opleiding van LOI en daarbij een iPod cadeau krijgen. Klager stelt dat hij zich heeft ingeschreven, maar geen iPod kreeg omdat zijn cursusgeld minder dan 200 euro p.m. is. Verweerder heeft verweer gevoerd.

Voorzitter oordeelt dat Commissie klacht zal afwijzen. In uiting wordt nadrukkelijk verwezen naar actievoorwaarden op website. Gemiddelde consument zal deze voor aanschaf eerst raadplegen. Uit actievoorwaarden blijkt dat totale cursusgeld van 200 euro of meer leidt tot iPod cadeau. Wijst klacht af.

In de commercial wordt nadrukkelijk gewezen op de actievoorwaarden op de website. Van de gemiddelde consument kan worden verwacht dat hij, indien hij naar aanleiding van de bewuste actie geïnteresseerd raakt in een cursus, alvorens zich in te schrijven, eerst deze actievoorwaarden raadpleegt.

Uit de voorwaarden blijkt duidelijk dat men een iPod Shuffle ontvangt bij opleidingen met een lesgeldverplichting van € 200,- of meer (en overigens niet: € 200,- per maand, zoals klager stelt).

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)

RB 1012

Omgeboekte reis duurder

Vz. RCC 16 mei 2011. Dossiernr. 2011/00286

Reclamerecht. Uiting in brochure over reis naar Thailand vanaf 1399 euro. Klaagster stelt dat op verzoek van adverteerder reis werd omgeboekt en dat deze daardoor 400 euro p.p. duurder was geworden. Vond waarschuwing nodig, nu annulering niet meer mogelijk was. Verweerder heeft verweer gevoerd.
Voorzitter oordeelt dat Commissie klacht zal afwijzen. Uiting is niet in strijd met NRC, ook al is omgeboekte reis duurder. In uiting wordt nl. vanaf-prijs genoemd en verwezen naar website. Wijst klacht af.

Dat bij het wijzigen van de boeking voor de nieuwe reis een hogere prijs gold, brengt niet mee dat de reclame-uiting in strijd is met de Nederlandse Reclame Code. In de brochure staat duidelijk dat sprake is van een vanaf-prijs en wordt verwezen naar de website, waarop, naar door adverteerder is gesteld, de op dat moment geldende prijs wordt vermeld. Gelet op het voorgaande kan de klacht naar het oordeel van de voorzitter niet slagen.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)

RB 1010

Alert voor Sunweb

RCC 16 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00269 (Sunweb)

Reclamerecht. Aanbieding voor vakantie naar Bulgarije voor 399 euro per persoon. Klaagster stelt dat deze vakantie niet voor genoemd bedrag geboekt kon worden. Verweerder stelt door technische fout de prijs niet juist op website stond. Sprake van menselijke fout.

Commissie oordeelt dat er sprake is van onjuiste informatie t.a.v. de prijs (art. 8.2 onder d NRC) nu de aangeboden reis niet voor genoemde prijs beschikbaar was. Menselijke fout komt voor rekening van adverteerder. Strijd met art. 7 NRC. Doet aanbeveling en brengt uitspraak onder aandacht van breed publiek (art. 17 lid 1 jo. 18 lid 4 Reglement RCC en CVB).

Geklaagd wordt over het feit dat een reis werd aangeboden die achteraf voor de aangeboden prijs niet beschikbaar bleek te zijn. Aldus is in de uiting onjuiste informatie verschaft ten aanzien van de prijs van het product, als bedoeld in artikel 8.2 onder d van de Nederlandse Reclame Code (NRC). Voorts is de Commissie van oordeel dat deze onjuiste informatie de gemiddelde consument ertoe kan brengen een besluit over een transactie te nemen dat hij anders niet had genomen. Om die reden is de bewuste mededeling misleidend en daardoor oneerlijk in de zin van artikel 7 NRC. Het feit dat, naar adverteerder aanvoert, de onderhavige situatie het gevolg is van een menselijke fout, doet niet aan het voorgaande af, nu deze omstandigheid voor rekening van adverteerder dient te komen.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)
Regelingen: NRC art. 7, art. 8.2 onder d; Reglement RCC en CVB art. 17 lid 1, art. 18 lid 4

RB 1008

UK ASA Adjudications 22 juni

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot-Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën variëren van een projector, bonus bij open rekening, auto, verwarming- en verkoelingssystemen, schoenen, zonnebril, systeem om te wedden, Autoglass, dienst die tanden bleekt, frankeersysteem, inboedelverzekering en kookboek.

Zie plaatje hieronder (klik voor vergroting), klik voor de directe site hier

Planet Distributions Ltd
An ad that appeared on the website for Right Projectors on 10 and 14 March 2011 showed a photograph and product information for the Technic HD500 projector. Text stated "Qty Remaining: 1;" "SPECIAL OFFER ENDS THURSDAY 17TH MARCH" AND "GUARANTEED NEXT DAY DELIVERY!"

Petfre (Gibraltar) Ltd
A promotion, viewed on Betfred's website on 16 March 2011, stated "£5 FREE NO-DEPOSIT BONUS". Further text headed "How to Claim your £5 free chips" stated "In order to claim the exclusive welcome offer, just follow these easy steps: 1. Open a Real Money account. 2. Your £5 bonus will be credited within 48 hours of opening your account. 3. Log-in to the download Betfred Casino within 72 hours of receiving the email notification to get your bonus, as it will otherwise expire. 4. Once logged-in...

Mazda Motors (UK) Ltd
A TV ad for a car company, broadcast in April 2011, featured the Executive Officer of Mazda speaking in Japanese. On-screen text, which translated the spoken words, stated "The Hiroshima spirit is strong at Mazda. When faced with a challenge, we set out to overcome it. For example, only Mazda made a success out of the rotary engine. To prove how good this engine was, we entered it into the Le Mans 24 hour race. And we won. The Hiroshima spirit is to never give up, to pursue excellence. To...

Sabien Technology Ltd
A website video for an intelligent control system for commercial heating and cooling systems showed how these systems operated with and without the intelligent control system.

Reebok Sports Ltd
The front cover of a leaflet, for Reebok Reezig ZigTech trainers, showed a picture of Lewis Hamilton holding a ZigTech trainer. Text stated "THE ENERGY DRINK FOR YOUR FEET". On the inside, text stated "Feel the shoe with the energy boost, its unique sole propels you forward, while reducing wear and tear by up to 20% on key leg muscles". On the back of the leaflet text stated "ZigTech Apparel is engineered with Celliant fibres. Celliant fibres take energy emitted...

The website homepage for Ray-BanShop UK, seen on 25 March 2011, stated “100% Authentic, money back and satisfaction guaranteed”.

Betting Scalper
A website for a company selling information about a betting system stated "Here's How to Turn the ONLY Unfair Advantage Left in Betting Into Profits Of £109,148.69 Or More Every Month". It also featured a screen shot of the apparent author’s bank account showing a cleared balance of £82,648. Text also stated “And I’m not the Only One With These Incredible Results From Betting Scalper - Check Out Just a Few Screenshots I’ve Recieved (sic) From Friends I’ve Shared This With!” Below this text...

Belron UK Ltd
A radio ad, and a TV ad, for Autoglass, both broadcast in March 2011: a. The radio ad said "If you have a chip in your windscreen, make just one call direct to Autoglass. There's no need to call your insurer. We can usually repair that chip for free if you're fully comp and it won’t even affect your no-claims bonus ...”. b. The TV ad stated "In these tough times, if you ignore a chip, you could end up paying your insurance excess. One call to Autoglass and we can usually repair it...

AllWhite3000 Ltd
Claims on AllWhite3000's website, for a tooth whitening service, included "Tests prove that, after whitening with Allwhite3000, teeth score from 5 to 14 points higher on the Vita scale ... This technique whitens your teeth right away and has no side effects. The result is 80% better than home whitening products and 40% better than comparable laser technologies ... Years of experience in laser technology and treating thousands of satisfied customers explains why people, including...

Franking Machine Company Supplies Ltd
A claim on a website for Franking Machine Company Supplies Ltd stated "FMC save up to 28% by switching to franking!".

Direct Line Group Ltd
A TV ad (a) and a banner ad on the Direct Line website (b), which were seen on 3 March 2011, promoted home insurance. a. The TV ad featured a representative of the company who said "So, say this is the price of your current home insurance. We promise we can beat that price." A voice-over and on-screen text stated "We promise to beat the price of your current home insurance". Additional on-screen text stated "Minimum 12 months + with current home insurer. Minimum...

Blakefield LLP
A national press ad, for “The Nostalgic Cookbook", published on 5 March 2011, was headed "Try My Heavenly Chocolate Pudding ..." and described some of the recipes contained in the book. On the right-hand side of the page, text inside a circle above an order form stated "PLUS 3 FREE BONUS GIFTS!". On the order form, under the heading "FREE GIFT 2", text stated " 'Old Fashioned Cleaning Tips' - My granny was a proud woman and would pride herself on having a clean kitchen and a gleaming parlour...

RB 1007

Max. = maximale?

RCC 19 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00239 (Iza)

Reclamerecht. Brochure IZA-vergoedingen 2010 en vergoedingenoverzicht op website. Klager stelt dat plaatsing kroon maar gedeeltelijk vergoed werd terwijl in beide uitingen staat dat het maximaal vergoed zou worden. Verweer is gemotiveerd weersproken.
Commissie oordeelt dat uiting onvoldoende duidelijk is voor gemiddelde consument. Uit de woorden "max. vergoeding" kan maximale vergoeding worden afgeleid. Sprake van onduidelijke informatie (art. 8.2 aanhef en onder b NRC). Strijd met art. 7 NRC. Doet aanbeveling.

De Commissie is van oordeel dat de uiting op dit punt voor de gemiddelde consument onvoldoende duidelijk is. Uit de woorden ‘max. vergoeding’ kan naar haar oordeel gemakkelijk de indruk ontstaan dat sprake is van een volledige vergoeding van de desbetreffende behandeling, temeer daar bij verschillende andere in de overzichten genoemde vergoedingen een duidelijk limiet wordt genoemd aan de te vergoeden bedragen. De afkorting “max.” kan in de gegeven context gemakkelijk tot onduidelijkheid leiden. Gelet op het voorgaande gaat de reclame naar het oordeel van de Commissie gepaard met onduidelijke informatie ten aanzien van de voornaamste kenmerken van het product zoals bedoeld in artikel 8.2 aanhef en onder b van de Nederlandse Reclame Code (NRC).

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)
Regeling: NRC art. 7, art. 8.2 aanhef en onder b

RB 1004

Prijsverhoging bij einde boekingsproces

RCC 19 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00273 (Expedia)

Reclamerecht. Aanbieding op website voor twee retourtickets naar Newark incl. 9 hotelovernachtingen in NY. Klaagster stelt dat tijdens boekingsproces de prijs op de allerlaatste pagina werd verhoogd.

Commissie oordeelt dat er sprake is van onjuiste informatie t.a.v. de prijs (art. 8.2 onder d NRC). Strijd met art. 7 NRC. Doet aanbeveling.

Geklaagd wordt over het feit dat een reis werd aangeboden die aan het einde van het boekingsproces slechts voor een hogere prijs beschikbaar bleek te zijn. Aldus is in de uiting onjuiste informatie verschaft ten aanzien van de prijs van het product, als bedoeld in artikel 8.2 onder d van de Nederlandse Reclame Code (NRC).

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)
Regeling: NRC art. 7, art. 8.2 onder d

RB 1001

Gangbaar betaalmiddel

CVB 9 juni 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00073 (Ryanair)

Reclamerecht. Website van Ryanair. Klaagster stelt dat administratiekosten 80% van de totale ticketprijs bedragen. Deze kosten worden pas vermeld later in het boekingsproces. Goedkope prijzen op website daarom alleen lokmiddel. Strijd met art. III sub 1 RR. Klacht is gemotiveerd weersproken.

Commissie oordeelt dat administratiekosten worden berekend, tenzij men over MasterCard Prepaid Debit Card beschikt. Onvoldoende duidelijk dat sprake is van optionele kostenpost. Strijd met art. III onder 1 RR. Doet aanbeveling.

Grieven: 1. onacceptabel dat Ryanair vertaling beslissing pas 2 dagen voor afloop appeltermijn heeft ontvangen. 2. Geen strijd met art. III sub 1 RR, want alle geadverteerde tarieven zijn inclusief alle bijkomende kosten. 3. Dossiernr. 1553/07.0689 kan niet genegeerd worden. Hierin staat dat advertenties Ryanair voldoen aan RR. 4. Absurd om over verkrijgbaarheid MasterCard Prepaid Debit card in uitingen te informeren. Grieven zijn gemotiveerd weersproken.

CVB: Grief 1. Onderdeel treft geen doel, adverteerder dient zelf voor vertaling te zorgen. Grieven 2, 3 en 4. Niet aannemelijk geworden dat de genoemde MasterCard gangbaar betaalmiddel is voor Nederlandse reizigers en dat zij makkelijk informatie over de Card kunnen vinden. Ook zijn er beperkingen aan Card verbonden, dus niet te verwachten dat op korte termijn gangbaar betaalmiddel zal zijn. Hierdoor is betaling met deze Card geen reëel alternatief bij boeking van Ryanair vlucht. Sprake daarom van vaste onvermijdbare kosten en had in uiting opgenomen dienen te worden. Grieven treffen geen doel. Strijd met art. III sub 1 RR. Bevestigt beslissing Commissie.


5. Op grond van het voorgaande is het College van oordeel dat de MasterCard Pre­paid Debit Card voor de Nederlandse reiziger geen reëel alternatief vormt voor de betaalvormen waarbij men bij het boeken van een vlucht met Ryanair admini­stra­­­tie­kosten verschuldigd is. Aldus is in feite sprake van vaste onvermijdbare kos­ten. Te­recht stelt ANVR dat Ryanair deze kosten voor wat betreft de op Nederland gerichte uitingen reeds in de geadverteerde prijs had die­nen op te nemen. Ryanair heeft dit nagelaten. Het College onder­schrijft het oordeel van de Commissie dat Ryan­air daardoor in strijd met het bepaalde onder III sub ! RR heeft gehandeld. De grieven 2, 3 en 4 treffen derhalve geen doel, ook niet voor zover Ryanair naar ande­re be­slissingen van de Commissie verwijst. Niet gesteld of ge­bleken is immers dat in die beslissingen over identieke klachten is geoordeeld.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)


Regeling: RR art. III sub 1

RB 999

UK ASA Adjudications 1, 8 en 15 juni 2011

Ook de Advertising Standards Authorization, de RCC in Groot-Britannië, heeft een bundel uitspraken gepubliceerd. Categorieën van 15 juni variëren van Circulation Booster, zwangerschapstesten, water ionizer, minibus, Peugeot, verrekijkers, James Bond magazine, film, technische winkel, batterijen, hair extensions, logo, website voor auto's, rij-examen, rijschool, apparaat voor infrarood therapie, vliegmaatschappij.

Categorieën van 8 juni variëren van Groupon, homeopatisch product, inboedelverzekering, Revival Fellowship, bulk SMS service, keuken en badkamer bedrijf, vacature website, modellenbureau, wedstrijd in automagazine, film en TV extra's, CVketel installatiebedrijf, vacatures, karateschool, Money manager, douchebak, steunband voor knie.

Categorieën van 1 juni variëren van elektronische apparaat voor gezondheid, voedingssupplement met magnesium, medium, huizenmarketing, sauzen, touroperator, filmrelease, Carpetright, tuinarchitectuur, levensverzekering, krant, bloedzuiverend middel, online adresboeksysteem.

Zie plaatjes hieronder (klik voor vergroting), klik voor de directe site hier.

High Tech Health Ltd
A leaflet and a teleshopping ad made claims for a “circulation booster”. a. The leaflet stated, “Immediate relief from aches, pains and swelling! Poor circulation? Swollen feet & ankles? Cold feet & aching tired legs? You need the all new Circulation Booster V3”. It went in to some detail about the action and effects of the product, claiming that it “applies mild electrical muscle simulation” to the feet, that it “can reduce foot and ankle swelling … With regular use of the Circulation...

Home Health (UK) Ltd
A commercial ad on Ebay in April 2011, for pregnancy tests, stated "10 ULTRA EARLY 10mIU NHS PREGNANCY TTC TEST/TESTS".

Earth Trade Water Inc
An e-mail, sent 30 March 2011, to approximately 200 recipients, promoted water ionizers. All the recipients' e-mail addresses were visible in the “To” field. Text in the body of the e-mail stated “The colon has received increased attention in recent years as colon cancer has risen rapidly to become the third leading cause of death in the US. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and dehydration are factors that are often cited to lead to poor colon health. Poor colon health is considered a primary...

GM Coachwork Ltd
Claims on the home page of MiniBus Lite's website stated "MiniBus Lite is the only 17 seater minibus you can drive on a standard manual car licence. The GM Coachwork Minibus Lite is the UK's first 17 seater minibus (including driver) weighing less than 3.5 tonnes. The vehicle's low weight means that anyone with a current, valid UK full driving licence which they have held for over 2 years can drive it. This means that organisations such as schools can allow more of their staff to drive the...

Peugeot Motor Company plc
A TV ad, for Peugeot's 207 Envy, viewed on the children's channel Nick Jr on 5 March 2011 at 2:15pm during Peppa Pig, was shot from underwater in a dark swimming pool at night. A car was seen from below hitting the water and slowly sinking. Muted, bass music was heard in the background together with the sound of air bubbles escaping from the car to the surface and water rushing through the air vents. Two men were heard discussing the car over the telephone. The first said "Have you seen it?"...

Winning Deals Ltd
A national press ad, for binoculars, on 10 March 2011, stated "NATL. AIR & SPACE DEPOT SALE. NOTICE! Long range 24x Magnification. SEA & FIELD ZOOM BINOCULARS (all in original shipping cases). So powerful that if you were on the cliffs of Dover the coast of France would appear to be just ONE MILE AWAY!!!! ... Starting midnight 9th March, the National Air & Space Depot will accept orders direct from the public for 8-24x MAGNIFICATION SEA & FIELD ZOOM BINOCULARS ... TEST CERTIFICATE:...

MI6 Confidential
Claims on MI6 Confidential magazine's website, viewed on 16 March 2011, for a James Bond magazine, included "MI6 Confidential is the only professionally created James Bond magazine available exclusively in print".

Paramount Pictures UK
A TV ad for the film "No Strings Attached" broadcast on More4 between 13.30 and 14.30 on 11 February 2011, during the programme Deal or No Deal. The female character said "I need someone who's going to be in my bed, no strings attached" and the male character replied "I could do that". Two brief scenes showed the couple in bed together before on-screen text read "CAN BEST FRIENDS ... BE SEX FRIENDS?".

Comet Group plc
A brochure, for a technology retailer, was headed “Online prices in store now. Please ask in store for details”. Each double-page spread was also headed “Online prices in store now. Please ask in store for details” and “Prices checked daily”. The bottom of each page stated: “Prices and offers correct at time of going to press. Prices and offers may vary. Ask in-store for details. Offers valid from 17 February 2011”. Text at the top of page 22 stated: “Save £150. £89.99 was £239.99 Panasonic...

Claims on a website selling batteries, on 29 March 2011, stated "Customer Service ... 145-147 St John Street EC1V 4PY London (Please note that this is our warehouse address. No local pick up is available)".

Belle Hair Extensions
An ad on the Belle Hair Extensions website, seen 3 March 2011, promoted “1 Day Intense Hair Training £395. Text stated “On your Belle Hair Extension Fast Track Training Course you will be taught by qualified tutors these application methods (Micro fusion bonding, Micro Ring/Links) for just one price. You will get a professional hair extension kit and manual, professional insurance approved certification so you can start working immediately and certified professional training”. The website...

A sales promotion on 25poundlogo website stated "One-time Special Offer Must End Midnight, Sat Mar 19 2011. Celebrating Our 500th customer! With every package you get ... FREE: Copyright Legal Certificate worth £50. FREE: Life-time alterations to your logo worth £50. OFFER OPEN NOW!".

All Vehicle Contracts Ltd
Claims on Autobuddy's website, viewed between 30 March and 3 April 2011, included "The Home of INSTANT Online Quotations". The website's home page included a "Quick Quotation Search" where consumers could choose from drop-down lists of a range of car manufacturers, models, "versions" and contract types, and a "Vehicle Shopper with Company Car Tax Calculations" where consumers could choose from drop-down lists of contract types, car manufacturers, CO2 emission levels and select a monthly cost...

Book A DSA Test
A website, for Book A DSA Test, on 13 March 2011, stated "Book a DSA Test. The quick and easy way to book your practical or theory driving test online ... You can now book your DSA Practical and Theory test FAST and SIMPLY online. We are here to provide you with the smart way to book and manage your DSA Practical Driving Test or your DSA Theory Driving Test online with as little fuss for you as possible. Booking your test couldn't be simpler now, just complete the online form for the test you...

Bradleys School of Motoring
Claims on a website for a driving school, in March 2011, stated "Find a driving instructor in Sunderland, Hartlepool & Durham with a higher pass rate than ours and we will give you your lesson for free!".

A sponsored link on an internet search engine, for infra-red therapy devices, stated "Get Thermotex Online Thermotex -48%:Shop a large selection & find incredible deals! www.thermotex.deal24.co.uk".

bmibaby Ltd
A promotional e-mail, for flights, was sent in January 2011. It was headlined “Massive discounts, baby!”. Text below stated “Quick! It’s your last chance to book BIG savings on all flights for 2011. Don’t delay and check out the flights on offer”.

MyCityDeal Ltd
A sales promotion from Groupon, stated "Lengthen Those Lashes with Eyelash Extensions from Bo Chic for £24 instead of £90". Text under the heading "Fine Print" included"This Group is valid for 5 on 1 bud eyelash extensions only ....".

Nathans Natural LLC
The website for Levodyn, a herbal product, on 9 February 2011, stated “Levodyn is composed of 19 herbs and minerals that have been shown to help lower blood pressure and thus lead to a healthy heart. We have used only natural ingredients, so you never have to worry about the troublesome side effects of prescription medication ... can help naturally lower your blood pressure and help prevent cardiovascular problems ... Levodyn is a breakthrough non prescription high blood pressure reducing...

Lloyds TSB General Insurance Ltd
A TV ad, broadcast in October 2010, for home insurance showed a cartoon man coming home to find that he had been burgled. The ad showed him picking up a letter from Lloyds TSB titled "Personal Claims Consultant" and the man was subsequently visited by a Personal Claims Consultant. A voice-over said "At Lloyds TSB, we understand how upsetting it can be when things go wrong, which is why we'll send you a personal claims consultant to help you when you need it most. So the same person will...

Medway Revival Fellowship
A circular for the Revival Fellowship was headlined "YOUR INVITATION TO COME AND SEE". Text on the back of the circular included "After prayer, Russell was healed from a severe food allergy and Autism. He now leads a healthy and completely normal life", "In 1984, Granville suffered another brain haemorrhage and died 3 times. After prayer, he came alive. He still lives today", "Trevor & Leila were told that their newborn girl was 'incompatible with life'...

Text Marketer Ltd
Claims on a website, CompareBulkSMSPrices, on 11 April 2011, stated "The latest up to date prices for Bulk SMS - checked 6 days ago ... With hundreds of Bulk SMS suppliers around the world, our mission is to stay up to date with the cheapest and best deals, the best technology and customer service tools". Underneath, a table headed "The Main Price Comparison Chart" included a list of companies and details of their bulk SMS services. The company listed as "The Current Number 1" was Text...

The Kitchen and Bathroom Company
A regional press ad for The Kitchen and Bathroom Company stated "Create your Dream Home, Free Fitting*" and "Free Fitting RRP £2499 Range Pack inc: Cooker, Splash Back & Chimney £399* With purchase of a kitchen". The asterisk linked to text that stated "Not in conjunction with any other offer".

Powerhouse Direct Ltd
Text on a job search website, for a Junior Trainee in Marketing/Sales/PR/Customer Service, stated information about the role including "salary: £15,000 per year" and "job term: Permanent/Full-time".

Talent Search UK
An ad in the regional press (a) and a follow-up leaflet (b) for Talent Search UK stated: a. "MODELS & EXTRAS DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY QUALITIES TO BE A MODEL OR EXTRA?CATALOGUE, PHOTOGRAPHIC & FILM/T.V. EXTRA WORK, FASHION & PROMOTIONAL WORK ... ARRIVE EARLY TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT [SIC]. LIMITED SPACES". Text at the bottom of the ad stated "Placement with UK agencies". b. "Some TV Credits/Modelling Assignments our Agencies have are as...

Creative Media Ltd
A competition in a car magazine, in February 2010, to win £10,000 worth of car accessories was headlined "WIN A £10,000 MAKEOVER!" Text below stated "FORGET TRINNY, SUSANNAH AND THAT Gok fella, when it comes to full on budget busting makeovers we've got a competition that'll blow your socks off ... it's not very often we get to offer a full-on motor makeover but that generous lot over at the Auto Sound & Style Show, to celebrate their awesome event kicking off on the 7th of...

ELI Casting Agency
Text on the Gumtree website, for film and TV extras, stated "BECOME A WELL PAID FILM and TV EXTRA OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE! MEET and WORK WITH TOP CELEBRITIES! EARN £80 - £300 PER SHOOT... TO APPLY: E-MAIL US YOUR: NAME and E-MAIL ADDRESS ONLY TO: office@elicasting.co.uk ANYTIME! 24/7 We will get back to you as quickly as possible. Please bare [sic.] with us as we are very busy!".

A1 Services
An ad in Yellow Pages on 19 January 2011, for A1 Services, a boiler installation firm, listed the names of six different locations in Hertfordshire followed by a telephone number for each location. The ad also featured the logos for Corgi and Oftec alongside the text "Registered Installers".

AC Generations Ltd
Four online ads by AC Generations seen in February 2011 for job vacancies stated in each case that the job type was "permanent" and that the vacancies were for the following roles: "Brand Management and Marketing"; "Customer Service Property Surveying"; "Customer service/sale advisors"; and "Hospitality & Catering". All of the ads included an example of the weekly wage, e.g. "Salary: Up to £500/week" and "Salary: £300 - £500...

Karate Leadership UK
Claims on Karate Leadership UK's website, viewed in March 2011, included "WHICH MARTIAL ARTS SCHOOL IS BEST FOR ME AND / OR MY FAMILY ??? ... If they charge for your Martial Arts on a 'Per Session' basis you're in the wrong school. This can mean only one of two things, firstly they aren't intending on being around for long or secondly this is just a 'hobby' for them. Remember we are talking about introducing an adult into your child's life that can potentially have a massive effect on their...

Lloyds TSB Bank plc
A TV ad, for Lloyds TSB’s Money Manager service, viewed on 8 March 2011, stated "With all our bills, direct debits and purchases, it's sometimes hard to keep track of our money. Money Manager from Lloyds TSB is a new, free way to show you how much you're spending and on what. It helps you keep control of your spending so you can see where you can save a little here and there. Lloyds TSB, for the journey". On-screen text displayed during the ad stated "Money Manager is not intended to provide...

First Bathrooms
A website for bathrooms showed an image of a shower tray. Text stated "Easy Plumb Rectangle Shower Tray 900 x 800mm ... The original, classically designed shower tray, featuring a high-gloss surface which feels exactly like ceramic to the touch. This tray is made from a stone resin mix for strength and rigidity, eliminating the movement so often found with plastic composite trays".

Home Shopping Selections Ltd
A press ad, promoting a thin strap worn below the knee, was headlined “IMMEDIATE KNEE PAIN RELIEF”. The product was pictured and text stated “We asked an independent research company to test our Knee Strap. The results were fantastic and now the benefits of the Knee Strap speak for themselves - as ordinary, every day, [sic] people confirm what we already knew! The Knee Strap works! The independent research company asked a panel of men and women, who suffer from knee pain to try our Knee... 

Telehealth Solutions Ltd
An e-mail on 14 March 2011, from Telehealth Solutions, stated "Keep Long-Term Condition Patients Safer, Healthier and Out of Hospital - Help Patients and Reduce Costs - The HomePod is an iPad-like device that patients can use to measure vital signs, answer questions about their symptoms, and send the information to clinical staff ... Evidence and Research - Studies estimate telehealth can reduce hospital admissions by over 90%, and the length of hospital stays by the same proportion...

Subtle Energy Therapy UK
A website, selling Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) and magnesium products, on 1 March 2011, stated "... The proof of the efficacy of this simple protocol was in successfully helping over 75,000 people in several African nations - including Uganda and Malawi - rid themselves, primarily of malaria, but also hepatitis, cancer, and AIDS ... If your health is not perfect ... you're habitually low on energy, have trouble keeping your weight down, or blood pressure in the normal range, or...

Mr Fakole
A circular, for Mr Fakole, stated "Mr Fakole Serious African international medium 20 years of experience in Haiti 100% successful ... Results are sure, serious and guaranteed ...".

upad Ltd
Text on www.upad.com stated "RENTAL PROPERTY MARKETING Advertise your property on 950 UK sites for £69 ... We'll put your property on ... rightmove.co.uk, FindaProperty.com, Zoopla, Globrix, lettingsearch.co.uk, primelocation.com, Gumtree & 950 more including ...". When readers clicked on "including" they were taken to a page that listed 998 different websites.

Unilever UK Ltd
Two ads, for gravy granules, in catering magazines: a. The first ad featured a picture of a tub of gravy granules above a headline which stated "unbeatable taste vs. Bisto*". Smaller text below the headline stated "KNORR has unbeatable scores for taste, appearance, consistency and aroma when testing against main competitors*". Smallprint at the bottom of the ad stated "*Partner Research Jan-April 2010". b. The second ad featured a picture of a sachet of gravy granules above headline text...

Thomas Cook Tour Operations Ltd
A national press ad, on 7 January 2011, for a holiday promotion had the headline "it is Summer 2011 10% off guaranteed". Text below stated "10% off all our Summer 2011 holidays. Guaranteed. Find the same holiday as ours cheaper elsewhere and we'll match the price. If we can't match the price, we'll give you the holiday free. Guaranteed". Text at the bottom-right of the ad next to the Thomas Cook logo stated "thomascook.com". Small print at the bottom of the ad stated "The 10% discount offer...

Lions Gate UK Ltd
Two TV ads for the release of the film The Mechanic, featuring the actors Jason Statham and Ben Foster: a. The first ad began with Jason Statham saying "Do you know what a mechanic is?" and showed him punching a man in the stomach, who was wearing a blood-stained T-shirt, and then running and shooting a gun at the camera. Ben Foster replied "A hitman". Scenes from the film were then shown in quick succession including a man being hit over the head with a sheet of metal and a man being shot...

Carpetright plc
A TV ad for Carpetright plc showed the presenter demonstrating how easy it was to clean a Kosset carpet before saying "and it's exclusive to Carpetright".

Aspen Landscaping Driveways
A regional press ad, on 1 February 2011, for landscaping and driveway work, stated "ASPEN LANDSCAPING & DRIVEWAYS - NORTH STAFFS NO.1 *Block Paving Specialists *Natural Stone Patios *Garden Walls & Other Aspects *Winter Discounts - Recommendations from most leading Builders Merchants ... All work Guaranteed. Call now for free quotation".

Asda Financial Services Ltd
A TV ad for life assurance, from Asda, broadcast on 28 February, for people aged over 50 featured a man arriving home with his shopping. The man said "I'd been meaning to get some life cover but I wasn't sure where to go." At the same time, on-screen text stated "For people aged 50 - 80 living in the UK". The man continued "Then I saw that Asda were offering over 50s life cover ... So I gave them a call. I didn't have to answer any health questions; I didn't have to visit my GP. I just had...

Independent News Media Ltd
A TV ad, for a newspaper, stated “i squeezes the content of a quality paper into one that's small and beautifully informed. So I've got the knowledge, in one quick fix. No celeb gossip nonsense, just intelligent stuff and that's why I love i.

Fitalifestyle Ltd
An ad for Liquid Chlorophyll, in the online shop of the See My Cells website, seen 16 March 2011, stated “Liquid Chlorophyll is the most potent blood cleanser and deodorizer. Liquid Chlorophyll has the identical chemical structure to haemoglobin in blood. The only difference being the central atom in blood being iron and Chlorophyll's central atom being magnesium. Chlorophyll is made by the process of photosynthesis and is essential to life. Chlorophyll in liquid form is essential for...

Customer Service Helplines (UK) Ltd
A sponsored link, for an online directory service, stated “Tax Credits Helpline Speak To An HMRC Advisor By Phone Numbers for Customer Services”.

RB 998

Motie reclameverbod antibiotica?

In navolging van verbod op tabaksreclame en (recentelijke voorstel tot) alcoholreclame, nu een motie verbod voor reclame voor antibiotica in het kader van dierziektebeleid (Kamerstukken II, 2010-11, 29 683, nr. 93).

De Kamer,
gehoord de beraadslaging,
constaterend, dat de regering een verbod op reclame voor diergenees-middelen overweegt; 
van mening, dat aandoeningen bij dieren, zoals parasitaire infecties, een risico voor de volksgezondheid en een aantasting van het dierenwelzijn kunnen veroorzaken; 
van mening, dat reclame voor overige diergeneesmiddelen een voorlichtende werking kan hebben en kan bijdragen aan het verminderen van risico’s voor de volksgezondheid; 
verzoekt de regering alle vormen van reclame voor antibiotica te verbieden, 
en gaat over tot de orde van de dag. 

RB 977

Avenue de Baobab

RCC 16 mei 2011, Dossiernr. 2011/00268 (Baoblad)

Reclamerecht. Baoblad pagina 48 en 49. Klager was deelnemer aan reis naar Madagaskar georganiseerd door verweerder. In Baoblad staat foto afgebeeld van 'Avenue de Baobab'. Hierdoor wordt indruk gewekt dat deze straat zal worden bezocht tijdens reis, dit blijkt echter niet het geval. Sprake van misleiding.
Commissie oordeelt dat pagina's 48 en 49 van Baoblad algemene informatie over de baobab bevatten. Gemiddelde consument zal alvorens reis te boeken website raadplegen om het volledige programma te bekijken, waaruit dan blijkt dat 'Avenue de Baobab' niet bezocht zal worden. Geen sprake van misleidende reclame. Wijst klacht af.

De Commissie is van oordeel dat de gemiddelde consument, alvorens hij naar aanleiding van dit aanbod een besluit neemt om een reis te boeken, de genoemde website zal raadplegen om het ‘volledige programma, vertrekdata en prijzen’ te bekijken. Dan zal, zo blijkt uit de klacht, blijken dat  een bezoek aan de in de folder op pagina 49 afgebeelde ‘avenue de baobab’ niet bij het programma is inbegrepen. Gelet hierop is geen sprake van misleidende reclame.

Lees de gehele uitspraak hier (link / pdf)